New York Central Park in Winter

Central Park is located between 59th to 110th Street and between 5th to 8th Avenue in New York City. The park is so huge that it spans across seven subway stations. It is often described by visitors to be a tranquil getaway from the hectic city life.

It snowed recently and the fresh white snow is still covering the ground and the bare tree branches.

During winter, one of the things to do in Central Park is to go ice-skating in the Wollman Ice Skating Rink. This rink is located in the southern part of the park (near The Pond), while there's another one (Lasker Rink) in the north of the park. Of course, entrance fees apply and skates are available for rental.

At the Strawberry Fields, this "imagine" mosaic is often decorated with flower petals into a peace sign. This memorial had been dedicated to John Lennon, one of the Beatles singers and a peace activist.

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